Kleur Academy is a technical academy where students are trained based on their chosen crafts. Established in the year 2001, Kleur set out to encourage students to learn and slowly develop their skills at their own pace.

The founders decided to implement a color system in the school: students and faculty are assigned various colors on the color wheel based on their majors. The founders of the school are also assigned to neutral colors: Black, White and Grey. This system is made to create a fun environment and establish a strong bond among the students as well as the professors.

Thinking of becoming a Kleurite?

Click next to learn more about us!



FINANCE • majors are assigned to the Red Division. Programs under the Finance department are Accountancy and Entrepreneurship.

HOSPITALITY • majors are assigned to the Orange Division. Programs under the Hospitality department are Hotel Management and Culinary Arts.

MACHINERY • majors are assigned to the Yellow Division. Programs under the Machinery department are Information Technology and Engineering.

SOCIAL SERVICES • majors are assigned to the Green Division. Programs under the Social Services department are Psychology and Social Work.

MEDICINE • majors are assigned to the Blue Division. Programs under the Medicine department are Nursing, Pharmacy and Medical Technology.

ARTS • majors are assigned to the Violet Division. Programs under the Arts department are Fine Arts, Music, and Fashion Design.


FACULTY • assigned to the Amber division teach subjects in the fields of Machinery and/or Medicine.

FACULTY • assigned to the Chartreuse division teach subjects in the fields of Finance and/or Hospitality.

FACULTY • assigned to the Teal division teach subjects in the fields of Social Services and/or Arts.


There will be color rivalries among opposite colors based on their placements on the color wheel.

These rivalries will be present during events and your participation will help your division earn Diads! You can use your diads to buy food from the café, extend your borrowing time of books from the library, or buy school supplies.

The RED DIVISION (Finance)
has a rivalry with
The GREEN DIVISION (Social Services).

The ORANGE DIVISION (Hospitality)
has a rivalry with

has a rivalry with
the BLUE DIVISION (Medicine).

The AMBER DIVISION (Machinery & Medicine faculty),
CHARTREUSE DIVISION (Finance & Hospitality faculty),
and TEAL DIVISION (Arts & Social Services faculty)
are part of the faculty department and has a rivalry with the students.


Main Building. Affectionately known to the students as the Bifrost (the rainbow bridge that allows Norse gods to come down to Earth), classes, workshops and laboratories are held in this building. It is also air-conditioned. While the faculty thinks students call it Bifrost because Kleur is the bridge between knowledge and ignorance, the true reason is in the name: students call it the Bifrost because it's so cold, students complain about almost peeing themselves during classes.

The Monochrome Hostel. Found right behind the Main Building, the Monochrome Hostel is a sleek building that houses the students and faculty of Kleur University. The Hostel is for students who come from far away. Students who live nearby may return to their own home, or live in an apartment of their own if they want.

Chroma Café. This bustling bistro on the first floor of the Main Building, the Chroma serves breakfast all day, and on Thursdays, groups of Culinary Arts students take turns making food for the student body.

The Kleur Grounds. The open grass in front of the school is known as the Kleur Grounds. Students can play, sleep, study, busk, paint, eat, or just hang out here as much as they like. Of course, CLAYGO is strictly enforced in this area. Oh, and bring extra bread -- the birds like to steal.

Iris Hall. This auditorium is where freshmen receive their freshmen orientation and where various talent showcases happen. The annual Paper Presentation is also held here, where the best students present their final projects or research papers of the year.

Niji Stadium. Newly built, the Niji Stadium is a collaboration between the founders of Kleur and banana milk factory Bananasaurus to encourage sports and games to the Kleurites. When there are no games, however, the Niji Stadium becomes a prime spot for dating among students who live in-campus, as it has the best view of the stars.


O1. Kleur University is a closed RPW. Therefore, liking, retweeting, or any other interactions with accounts not affiliated with Kleur, including quit accounts, is strictly prohibited. Minimize liking or retweeting pictures or videos from fan accounts, especially if it's not related to your faceclaim.

O2. Respect everyone. Speak to everyone with kindness and humor, and absolutely no godmodding allowed: don't force anyone to do anything unless they give their consent. We will not tolerate any form of toxicity. Subtweeting, alluding, etc. are not allowed. This is to prevent issues or conflicts from arising.

O3. Don't be selective. Please be friendly to each member and treat them nicely. Refrain from face-chasing and don't let anyone feel out of place.

O4. CuriousCats. We allow members to have CCs although sending and or entertaining hate messages are prohibited.

O5. Blocking. Blocking or soft-blocking of fellow members is strictly prohibited, even if it is meant as a joke. If you have a problem with them, kindly deal with it maturely, or if its really out of your control, please message any of the heads regarding this matter. Refrain from arguing on the timeline so that other members would not feel uncomfortable.

O6. Violent, suicidal, nsfw or other triggering tweets are strictly prohibited. Please don't be insensitive, keep in mind that there are minor characters and operators.

O7. Fonts. We do not allow you to use special fonts in your tweets, bios and display names. A lot of people struggle with reading them. Some people use screen readers and other assistive features that can not read special fonts. Please be considerate.

O8. All members must have their introduction thread within 24 hours. This will serve as your quota and if you fail to comply within the given time, your chosen faceclaim will once again be available for other applicants.

O9. Dating Ban. All members are subject to a 7-day dating ban from the moment you are welcomed. You cannot date, flirt or court anyone during your dating ban. Please focus on making friends instead.

1O. Professors. Portrayers born in 1998 or earlier have the option to choose whether they would prefer to be a teacher or a student at Kleur, while members born in 1999 and later are students by default.

11. Activeness Three weeks of inactivity will lead to expulsion.

12. Bickering with Rival Colors. Note that the school’s rivalry system applies to activities and programs ONLY. Starting conflicts with your Rival Colors outside events is strictly prohibited and this offense will not be taken lightly.

13. Attendance. Will be taken on a weekly basis. Note that missing the attendance four times will lead to expulsion.

14. Second Accounts. You must be a member of KTA for at least 3 weeks, and have at least 1,500 tweets. Once you have met the requirements, DM the office a screenshot of your number of tweets along with the 2nd port form to receive the link to the application form.

15. Changing of Ports. You may only change your chosen faceclaim twice.


The first offense of any rule or complaint warrants a first warning, you are limited to only 50 tweets a day, for 5 days and 1,000 diads will be deducted from your account.

The second offense of any rule or complaint warrants a second warning, you are limited to 20 tweets a day for 7 days and 2,000 diads will be deducted from your account.

The third offense of any rule or complaint warrants a third warning, you are suspended and not allowed to interact on the timeline for 7 days. Please use the given time to reflect on your actions.

The fourth offense of any rule or complaint warrants a permanent ban of your operator from participation in the community.


If you are a student in KTA, a total of 10,000 diads will serve as your monthly tuition fee while staying in Kleur Academy. This will be deducted from your account on a monthly basis. These cover up all the expenses you need including your classes, materials to be used, and dorm rentals.

How do I pay for my tuition fees?
Deduct the said amount from your tracker and send the link to the Registry. A confirmation message will then be sent to you.
Can I pay my tuition fee for the next months in advance?
Yes, we allow you to pay in advance.
Can I pay for other students' tuition fees?
If you are willing to, yes. Just mention the username of the said student after sending the link of your tracker to the Registry.
What will happen If I don't pay my tuition fee?
Failure to pay your tuition fee for 2 months will lead to expulsion. you may earn diads by participating in activities, and answering the attendance.


If you wish to change your course or a professor wanting to be a student, follow the steps below.

01. Deduct 5,000 diads from your tracker and send the link to the Registry, informing them that you want to change course.

02. You will be required to answer the application once again. This will be your chance to re-construct your character.

03. Once verified, make your introduction tweet to receive your new identification card.


Move-in couples are allowed in Kleur Academy. But it is appreciated if you keep it low profile for the first week for this serves as the length of others' dating bans.


O1. Check the masterlist if your desired port is available then dm @KTARegistry the reservation form below. password: Grayscale.

portrayer’s name + group / soloist + password

O2. After receiving confirmation, we will ask you to fill up an application form through google forms. once the application form is accepted, you may now create an account with the username form:

@ KTA + Portrayer's initials + Year of birth (liner)

O3. After creating your account, you may dm the Office again using that account. Once we respond to your message, you may start interacting with other kleurites.

O4. Creating an introduction tweet/thread will serve as your quota. Your introduction must contain your name, chosen course/field and a short description about your character. Mention @KTARegistry at the end of the thread to receive your welcome banner along with your I.D.

O5. We encourage everyone to have their pinned tweet and thread of threads containing their basic information, pronouns, identification card and diad trackers. Diads is the monetary currency used within the premises of Kleur.


QUIT FORM. send to @KTARegistry
name of port/s:
username of port/s:
color division:
op’s f/a or p/a:

REST / HIATUS. send to @KTARegistry
(maximum of 20 days)
name of port/s:
username of port/s:
until when:

SECOND PORT. send to @KTARegistry
username of first port:
total number of tweets:
username of p/a or f/a:

CHANGE PORT send to @KTARegistry
name of current port:
name of desired port:
op's f/a or p/a: